August 17, 2011

Pink Wednesday + China Glaze Tarnished Gold

Hi everyone :)  I'm going to confess something.  I have been totally uninspired lately.  I'm sure that doesn't surprise you one bit.  I'm pretty much just sick of summer, and with my itty bitty short nails (if you want to call them that) I don't think anything really looks good so I haven't stamped or anything.  I just feel really ick about the whole situation.  Which is why, I'm embarrassed to say, I have nothing good for Pink Wednesday.  I painted my nails with my franken, then realized I posted about it last week.  Awesome.  I am such a fail!  So, I threw some Tarnished Gold shatter on top, since I've been looking for it FOREVER and I'm being forced to call it good.  I'm sorry.  I suck.  I'm hoping another week of crappy posts and I'll be back into the groove.  I DO have some great nail art stuff coming!  So, let's look at today and quickly move on to tomorrow! lol

I am apologizing for these pictures before you see them.  I don't usually photograph my thumb, but for some reason I did tonight.  Plus, I was going to clean my nails the little bit that they need (cuticles made of glitter anyone?!) but if you are on NPG on Fb, then you know what's going on and I kind of forgot about the need to do it.  I'm sorry.  Forgive me!?!

Forgetting for a second that this photo is a train wreck (cuticle flooding, weird top/base coat flakes {where the hell did those come from!?!?}, other weird things), isn't this really pretty?  The thumb cracked perfectly!  Well, perfectly for this particular combo.  I love that you can see the glitter through the gold as well.

I wish I had done this during the day, I would have a sunlight photo.  I kinda really love this combination.  Yum.  Maybe I'll take some shots and post them tomorrow.  If my camera doesn't die like it was trying to! 

So, now that you've seen mine... Let me see yours!  If you aren't in my blog roll, leave your URL!  I want to see some new stuff! Love you guys!  Thanks for looking! 

Listening to:  So Like a Rose - Garbage
Beautiful Garbage, 2001