November 21, 2011

Brazil Swap

Hi everyone!  I've been meaning to post this for awhile.  It's the second swap I did with Tata.  This time she sent me the HITS No Olimpo collection.  Brazilian holos are SO amazing!  Not going to talk much, but want to say THANKS!  These polishes are so amazing! :)  
Weird Brazilian candy.  I don't know what those little brown things are.  Any ideas?  The Paçoquita things are incredible.  Like the peanut butter inside Reese's pb cups.  But better.  And without chocolate.  I REALLY wish I could get those!  There were some cookies too, but I ate those bad boys! :) 

HITS Glitter Forte 388, Big Universo Coleção Quantum, Impala Disco Sex Appeal

Artemis, Hefesto, Poseidon, Hermes

 Hera, Apolo, Dionísio, Zeus

Ares, Atena, Héstia

Afrodite, Deméter

I am very satisfied with this swap!  Every polish is absolutely amazing.  I'm going to have to use them soon!  I hope the sun comes out...... hmmm..... So, to Tata--- THANK YOU!  I hope you get yours soon and I hear from you soon!  
